
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Flipping Your Classroom: A compiled list of resources

I keep hearing about flipping the classroom, so when I was in Houston I made sure to stop by a session about it.  Our speakers gave so many great options to start flipping your class, so I went ahead and compiled a list of  the best of what they gave us (in my opinion!) and a few things I scrounged up.  I guess I should start by saying that I am not in any way, shape, or form, associated with these companies or webpages and am just posting them because I found them to be helpful and wonderful for the flipping classroom concept.  I'm trying to cram a lot of information into this post while not writing a novel, so here it goes...

First, here's video from Aaron Sams about how he uses the flipped classroom approach in his teaching.  If you're curious about what flipping the classroom is, watch this real quick:

So...what is it?
Basically, flipping the classroom has instruction happening at home and the practice happening at school, instead of the other way around.  This way, students can review on their own, watch again, take notes at their own pace, and then come to school ready to apply their learning from the night before.  Does that sound intimiating enough??  The key is starting with just one class at a time and making it work for you and your classroom. 

The BIG Question: How are students held accountable?
I know what you're going to say..."Sounds great, but what about my little darling who never does their homework and how do I know they even watched or listened to it?"
Typically the assignment (video, podcast, etc.) is given with a small assignment attached.  For instance, watch this video and complete this graphic organizer.  On some of the hosting sites, you can include a short 3-5 question "quiz" about the information. 

We all have students who don't do their homework. That's not going to change.  If a student comes without having completed the assignment, they simply do it in class and miss out on the application activity you had planned for that time (what a bummer!).  Whenever the student finishes, they hop in and join the group.  If you know there is a student who does not have access to technology at home, you can arrange a separate time for them to complete the assignment- again, you have to make it work for you and your classroom.  You can use a bunch of different ways to assess students.  Click on the links below to check out Edmodo, Google Docs, TodaysMeet, and Socrative.  Do you have a favorite? ...or one to add?


Where can I find pre-made media sources?
There are SO MANY great options out there.  Here are a few great resources:

Do I have to make my own videos? 
You don't HAVE to... but as our presenters mentioned- your students have a connection to YOU (because, after all, you are the best teacher ever!).  While sending them to watch something that is already created on the web is fabulous, they will tune in and do more active learning if you are the one presenting.  No pressure.  You don't have to make every media source yourself, but throw in a few to keep them coming back for more.

What website and programs can I use to create and/or host my media?
Again, so many options out there!
I think the "easiest" way to create a video would be to record on your tablet, phone, or webcam and upload to YouTube.  However, if you want to get a bit more complex you can use some programs to help you out. 
I Said What?  (app)
...or my favorite, any apps that turn your voice into a talking sockpuppet or animal! 

Once you have your video made, you will want somewhere to host it.  Some people use their own blog or webpage to showcase their information.  However, if you are wanting a hosting website to send your students to, here are some that were mentioned:  YouTube, TeacherTube, Edmodo, iTunesU, Podomatic.

Awesome blogs to check out:
(either about flipping your class or great for teacher education)
Flipping with Kirch (Julie was one of our presenters)
Learning in Hand (Tony Vincent)
Copy/Paste (Peter Pappas)

Ok, I saved my favorite for last (as an added bonus for those of you troopers who read through this entire thing!).  Have you heard of Sophia?  A-maz-ing.  The website is partnered with Capella University, Bill Nye (the science guy!) and some other great places.  You can create and host all kinds of media options for FREE, plus it has tutorials and FREE professional development videos.  Check it out.  It is awesome and worth a look.

So I'm curious- have you tried flipping your classroom?  What resources do you use?

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