
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What's really happening on July 1st?

...does anyone know?  Google Reader is shutting down, in case you missed the hundreds of many blogposts regarding the upcoming event. 

However, according to my research (Dorothy Ann from the Magic School Bus, anyone?) I don't think this will affect the Blogger Reading List or GFC (Google Friend Connect), so you should be keeping your followers and follow..ings.  It shouldn't interrupt your blogger reading if you use the Blogger Reading List.  Don't take my word for it, unless it's true, in which case, do. 

The only thing it will affect would be if you follow a blog that isn't powered by Blogger so it's not on your reading list and you couldn't "follow" through GFC. 

I follow a few like that, so I went ahead and switched to Bloglovin and Feedly.  There are a few other options you can check out {here}, but Bloglovin seems to be the most popular with the teacher crowd so far.  It's pretty easy to figure out and choosing a site to use is really just a matter of personal preference. 

As for me, I am liking Bloglovin so far, but I haven't really checked out the others and I'm not too picky as long as I can still follow all of you!  I went ahead and added the Bloglovin button and Feedly button (I hope that one works- let me know if it doesn't!), but you can still G-F-C-me to add me to your Blogger Reading List.

Also, go ahead and link up with {Tori's Teacher Tricks} if you added your Bloglovin button so that we can all follow you (as well as a fabulous tutorial on how to get your Bloglovin account started if you haven't already)! 

Happy Blog Hopping!


  1. How did you get the button to follow on Feedly? I looked at their site and couldn't find anything...

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. I found it on a blog that I can't seem to locate now... They just made their own since Feedly doesn't have a button yet. Here is the code- just replace my blog name with yours!

      <a href="" title="Volg mijn blog met Feedly"><img alt="Volg op Feedly" b="" order="0" src="" /></a>

    2. Found it! I got it from The Teaching Thief, but here is the link to directions:

    3. I tried to reply to your comment, but you're a no-reply blogger, which means that I can't reply to your comment through email. I can help you change that I you want. :) So I found the code and made mine. Thanks! Also, if you get an email with this comment, you can reply to the email and I will be the only one to get your response :)
