
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hunting, but for Blogs.

Blog hunting.  I imagine it's better than actual hunting, but only because I've never been actual hunting.  It sounds boring.

Join Laura Candler (can't get enough of her!!) and her {Goin' on a Blog Hunt link up}.  Just in case you missed the Google Reader shut-down and now you're scrambling to find all of your most favorite blogs.  Or you are looking for even more awesome inspiration to see how other people practice their craft.

Right now I'm rocking {Bloglovin} and I have 2,829 unread blog posts so I better get reading.  It is super easy to use.

Both Bloglovin and Feedly buttons are to the right.  Click and follow me {here} at Real Teachers Learn on Bloglovin!  You can also follow me through Google Friend Connect and your Blogger feed.  So many options!!  

Good luck, have fun, and I'll be back soon for some summer teacher updates!

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