
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Just lots of meetings

This post really has nothing of educational value to it.  Fair warning.  I'm all over the place these days.

How many teacher meetings do you typically take part in over a three week period?

I feel like all I've done lately is sit in meetings.  A few weeks ago we had our convocation day (meeting #1).  We listened to some riveting speakers.  I'm sure they were really fascinating if it all wasn't so far over my head.  For this one we learned about the Law of Entropy and Anthropic Coincidences.


Then he moved on to the Three Anthropic Coincidences.

But you already knew about this, right?

Here's what I learned on that slide:  That is a number that has a decimal, followed by 49 zeros, and a 1.  It's a very small number.

Don't get me wrong, this guy was a genius.  It's just that I'm not.  At least, not his level genius.  I can teach the dickens out of 4th grade multiplication and division though.

Except for the front tables where everyone was following along and listening intently and laughing at just the right hilarious science moments, the rest of us looked like this:

Teacher meetings the next day (#2).

I was pulled later that week to help train on guided math with our middle schoolers (#3).

Two IEP meetings back to back one afternoon (#4-5)

Conferences all day the next day (#6).

Then I escaped for a long weekend for my sister's wedding.  I didn't think about school once.  Not once.

Remember how I had a student teacher all first quarter?
This class might not even know if I'm their teacher.

Taught for two entire days.

Today I had a meeting (#7) all day today, but we finished early and now I'm home kicking up my feet and blogging.  Don't tell my coworkers.

That's seven meetings in the past three weeks.

Last year I was on a committee that looked over the new Common Core standards and located where every concept moved or was added compared to our previous standards.  This year I was asked to be on  similar committee that is going through the new social studies standards.  It's a little grueling but I'm so glad I am getting the opportunity (and the gift of time) to go through these new standards across grade levels and get really familiar with them.  Not every teacher has this chance, and none of us have that kind of time, so I'm really happy my principal recommended me for it!

Here's where I spent my day a few weeks ago.  And today.  And in a few more weeks I'll be there again.

I feel like I've just been collecting and organizing papers!  I love being able to be a part of so many different things and have these opportunities though.  No complaints here!  My organizational skills could use a brush up, though...

Only two weeks until Thanksgiving!  Holy guacamole!

I'll leave you with these exciting pictures from math class at Halloween.  Better late than never?  At some point I'll put this math review up on TpT for next Halloween.  So it will actually just be really early for next October...

Happy Teaching!

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