
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday Gifts Part 2: Co-Workers, Administration, & Support Staff

In order to prevent a ridiculously long list of what I do for gifts, here's part 2 of yesterday's post.  My team, administration, and support staff are so super important that I need to be sure to include them in my holiday gifting. 

I try to hand these out before the last day before break.  That's because the last day before break is pure craziness and then I forget.  If I hand them out a couple days earlier, then I can ensure that they got their gift, plus take it off my list of things to remember to do. 

Gifts for Co-Workers: 
Party Supplies + a treat
We don't do tons of gifts for each other throughout the school year.  It just gets to be a lot to remember, and expensive, and then you feel obligated, and we just don't.... but I always do something for them before our break.  I truly enjoy teaching with these ladies and am so lucky to be on a 4th grade team with them.  

This is probably my favorite gift to date... party supplies.  It's so useful, and I love a gift that is useful.  I can also do my shopping at the after Christmas sales and get things at an amazing price (I love a good bargain!!).

Here's what I have for this year:
One set of paper plates
One set of matching napkins
One matching tin

I filled the tin with some holiday treats and wrapped it up.

Administration and Support Staff Gifts: 
Chocolate Kahlua Cake
I realize these two catagories have completely different jobs in our building, but for gifting purposes, I give them the same thing.  Chocolate Kahlua Cake.  It's delicious.  

Who knows...maybe grab yourself a glass of something while you're baking.  Tis the season.

Here's the recipe for {Kahlua Chocolate Cake}.  My batch this year was serious business.  I handed it out with a tag that said something like "Maybe don't eat this at work unless it's a really rough day".  

I had a weak moment and also picked up this charming little holiday cactus.  I think I'll give it to the school nurse... unless I keep it for myself!

Now the trick is getting it all to school.  Plus your teacher bag (you drag that back and forth every day, right?).  And your computer.  Probably your lunch, too.  With keys in hand.  

I have learned from the best (Hi, Mom!) and pile everything in a laundry basket for easy transporting. 

What do you do for your all your school holiday gifting?

Happy Gifting!


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