
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy Hearts Month!

Welcome to February!  
January ended with a few beverages with some coworkers.  It was desperately needed by everyone after a full 5 day week (what?) and Catholic Schools Week on top of it.  I love my class to pieces, but come Friday afternoon, I was about to drive them home myself!

February came in with a small ice storm.  I'm about to go outside and tackle the driveway so that people can wander around my yard.

Here we go...

listening... If you haven't listened to John Legend's Love in the Future album, go out and download it because ohmygoodness it is so great.  It's been playing non stop in my earbuds ever since it was released.

loving...simple desktops has some seriously simple desktop designs and I struggled to commit to just one for now.  It's white with six colorful circles on the right and I looove it.

thinking...for the past 7 years I've been in charge of the school yearbook and it is a huge little commitment.  My deadline is in 31 days and it's crunch time.

wanting...I have to be out of my house for few hours today so I'm hoping to hit up Starbucks and find a cozy corner to get some grading done.  It is Saturday, after all. get out in this chilly weather and get that ice off my driveway!  Ick.

2 truths and a fib... ok so these aren't exactly about me.  These were the first truths I thought of..hehe!  My brain is super task oriented right now, and I've been working on our Vertebrates unit for science.  I have a list a mile long of things I should be doing (ie: not blogging!).

Link up with {Farley} and let everyone know what you're currently up to!

Have a wonderful weekend- I'm off to knock some of these items off my list!

Happy Teaching!


  1. Happy Weekend, Miss B!
    Ooh, I love some John Legend! That voice! Enjoyed reading your Currently! I'm going right now to check out simple desktops! Sounds like fun! Love that your truths and fibs were animal related! Made me smile!
    Good luck with the grading!
    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  2. First of all, I love your blog design. So fancy! I had a tricky time coming up with truths and a fib also!

    1. Thanks, Ms. Gatt! At least everyone should get my fib correct! ;-)
