
Sunday, February 9, 2014

This is a big job.

Let me start with... we have a big job.  Every teacher knows that.  I don't know that other people always realize at times what exactly our job entails.  Maybe some do.  To be honest, I don't know that I really know what an office job entails, or a traveling job, because I've never had one.  I guess we're even.  But it's a big job...with many layers and lots of levels.  Kind of like those games where you unlock one level, and you're all excited, only to realize the next level is basically impossible to pass and is super frustrating, but you are convinced you are going to get through it and it's so worth it when you pass it at the end.

We had a staff meeting on Monday and our administration was going to show part of this presentation...and then we ended up watching all of it!  As the video started, I realized I had met this woman.  I had the opportunity for Lee to come into my classroom this year and observe a very special child and then meet with the parents and myself.  She will come again in May to do a follow up observation.  She was spectacular.

Here's her presentation at the {OCALICON: The Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference} this past November, and a few of my favorite take-aways below.  It's about 40 minutes long, but if you have the time, I think it's really great.

There is a program in Kansas called {TASN- Kansas Technical Assistance System Network}- and they have a department for Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports that is simply amazing. This is how I had the opportunity to meet Lee. They come in and observe, make recommendations, and provide resources (for free!) for families.

One of my favorite quotes she mentioned was this one:

No Significant Learning Occurs Without a Significant Relationship
Image from Teaching Tolerance: click on the picture to visit their website.
This is so true!  I need to post this on my desk and look at it every day.  

and my other favorite idea she mentioned was this:

Oh gosh.  That is a life lesson, not just a classroom lesson!  

She also says something about not capturing an entire person on paper.  She says that while IEPs and other intervention plans can be helpful, and necessary, they are not a complete "guide" to a person and they do not completely encompass every aspect of that person.  People are important.  We teach people.  Our job as educators is to go deeper than the paper version and test scores of each child, with or without and IEP, and really teach them as a person.  Wow.  Big job.  You can pass this level.

Happy Teaching!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you said not to capture a person on paper. Sometimes teaching is just a pile of paper work on students. I think you said it best when you said, "People are important and we teach people." Thanks for sharing!!!

