
Friday, April 11, 2014

Finally Friday #5

This week has been...insane.  I wish I could catch up with my blogging, but life and teaching have been happening.  Thanks for sticking with me through my absent-ness, bloggers and bloggees!

Here's your FF#5.  Fridays are busy but if you read this, you'll have something to talk about at happy hour.  Seriously...happy hour.

We Are Teachers
#4 has me a bit perplexed, because when was the last time you used a library card in a book?

Hechinger Report
So we all agree that training teachers to use technology is super time consuming.  

Education Week
This looks at using a coaching technique versus an observation technique for evaluation and teacher improvement.  Do you think your teaching would improve if your supervisor took a more coaching approach to guide your teaching?  I like this.

Here are the incredible things I've been pinning:

A collection of general school ideas.

Links for tools, ideas, tricks, information and resources to help you teach.

{All My Boards}
In case you want it all and you want it delivered.  Here it is.

A weekly infographic to get you thinking.

{Sticky Teaching}
Some of these concepts are great for teachers, parents and presenting important info to others too!


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