
Thursday, May 1, 2014


HEY!  It's MAY!  YAY!

If I wasn't feeling so cruddy today, I would have been a perky little teacher wandering the halls.  Unfortunately, today was a total teacher struggle between do-I-have-enough-energy-to-make-sub-plans and maybe-I'll-just-tough-it-out-because-that's-easier.

Toughing it out won, but it was a struggle.  I'm chugging orange juice and it's early to bed for this teacher!

The first of the month only means one thing: Farley's Currently!  Here's what's up:

It's Thursday evening, which means I've obviously put off all my grading to the last minute so I'm doing a massive grading session on the living room floor.  Thank goodness for music television.  Trying to get grades together because the end of the year is near.  

If you're in to fashion (sorry, gents), then The Teacher Diva has the hook-up.  Check her out!  

**There won't be a Finally Friday tomorrow because I just don't have my act together with being sick and all...also I haven't read anything good this week...have you??



  1. Found you through Farley's Currently. I always put off grading until forced to do it. Then I was always sorry and promised to do better. Never did! Hope you get all yours done.

    Krazy Town

  2. Aww, I'm sorry your feeling so yucky! That's the worst! I can't believe you have only 11 days of school left. I'm filled with envy hearing that you're so close to the end of your school year! I hope you're feeling better soon and can enjoy the last few days with your kiddies!
    Short and Sassy Teacher
