
Friday, July 11, 2014

Finally Friday #10

It's Finally Friday!!  The count down is on to my big move west (48 hours and counting...!).  I'll be back and ready to rock and roll- educationally speaking- after I'm settled in the Pacific Northwest.

Here's your latest edu-news that I scrounged up...enjoy, and play hard this weekend!  

The Washington Post
I skipped posting on Independence Day because I was lake side with my family, but I didn't skip reading this blogpost by Valerie Strauss regarding teaching in our country.  I love her declaration, including all the articles she links to within it. 

Interesting read... Do you feel prepared to teach all the math you present in class?  Why are our math scores consistently lower as a nation?

Education Week
I'm a huge fan of getting kids outside, working cooperatively, and problem solving.  Our schedules are incredibly structured (for good reason- we are busy people!), but is it best for our children to be in so many scheduled events?  This isn't the best study, but I'd love to see more on it!

Washington Post
It's Valerie Strauss again explaining why kids are such busy bodies.  Do we make kids sit too much during the school day?  

CBS News
This article caught my attention for a number of reasons- first because I have students in my classroom who are ADHD and I think it's good for a teacher to be informed in order to go through that process with a parent and students.  But then I read the article and was surprised that they point out that the reason these kids are more likely to abuse drugs has nothing to do with the fact that they are already taking medication daily.  Interesting... I want to know more.

Huffington Post
We know how tough our job can be... Peter Greene just explains it for us.  There is never enough you.

Here are the incredible things I've been pinning:

A collection of general school ideas.

Links for tools, ideas, tricks, information and resources to help you teach.

In case you want it all and you want it delivered.  Here it is.

A weekly infographic to get you thinking.

Spectrum Psychological Counseling & Neurofeedback in Virgina Beach has a great blog with all kinds of information.  It is a great resource to give parents who are struggling with a kiddo, or even to do a little research for your own classroom and students.  Below is just one example of the information they provide.



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