
Friday, August 1, 2014


It's the most wonderful time of the year.  Back to school month is here.

I really do love it.  I really, really do.  I wish I had more of a clue as to what I was doing this year, but I am slowly getting there.

I have enjoyed a looooong summer.  My old school was out in mid-May and my new school doesn't start until after Labor Day.  Holy Moly!  This routine schedule will be good for me, but oh my I am so used to being a lazy lady!

Since I'm celebrating Back to School month today (or all month!), here's my August up with Farley and join the party!

I'm still just new enough that I'm not sure where to begin.  What posters should I have on the wall?  What is the science curriculum?  Do I have to prep any folders or notebooks?  When do those arrive?  What do the assignment notebooks look like?  It's first year teaching all over again, except I have experience.  New jobs are exciting!

So that's what's up.  

Happy Back To School Month! 



  1. Oh, Seattle summer weather. It's the greatest, isn't it? We lived there for two years and though I hated all of the other seasons, the summers were fantastic! We miss those summers so much! It's funny that you are thinking of your back to school bulletin board. My teammate and I were just stressing about that yesterday. Funny how important those boards are too us, isn't it?

    Enjoy what's left of the summer. I love finding new blogs through the Currently. Yours is great!

    Mrs O Knows

  2. You are so lucky that you have the whole month of August "off", although I'm sure you will be doing plenty of school stuff to get ready. Our kids start Tuesday! My summer is over, sniff sniff.

  3. OMG! I was cracking up at your comment about your first day back...too funny! I hope you find a start to your "To Do List." :)
    Have a great school year!

    Diary of a First Grade Teacher

  4. I always have the TV or some kind of noise going on in the back ground, but NEVER know what is actually on!! Enjoy the rest of your summer.

    Learning to be awesome

  5. Oh I love Seattle! So beautiful! Have fun starting a new year; I'm like you and can't ever seem to stay away from school for long!
    Short and Sassy Teacher
