
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Finally Friday #11

Ok, fine, it's Saturday...and Saturday morning for me, but for some of you it's Saturday afternoon already.

I have been up to "here" (hands above my head) with beginning of the year things.  Learning the ropes is time consuming and a bit draining, but it's all going very well.  My new fourth graders have been fantastic and my school is wonderful.

I kind of skipped out on posting Finally Fridays over the summer, probably because I never knew what day of the week it was or what state I was currently traveling through.  I want to jump back on that wagon because there is always something interesting happening in here's some of the latest!

It's Finally Friday Saturday!! 

Here's your latest edu-news that I scrounged up...enjoy, and play hard this weekend!  

The Washington Post
YES.  Do you feel this way?  Maybe you read my five categories of professional development already.  I've been to some really terrible PD training and then some really amazing PD as well.  Once you've been to something great, it's hard not to compare!  I completely agree with this article...I want better professional development...not more.

eSchool News
Interesting article about a new(ish) resource to help create formative assessments to guide instruction.  I've played with it a little, and so far I like the format for creating my own questions.  Have you or anyone you know tried Edulastic?

Playing is learning.  Let the children PLAYYYY!  

Um...good!?!  I just don't see classrooms ever going teacher-less for elementary-high school students.  You can't just plop a toddler down with a screen and expect them to learn everything in life from it.  Research shows that children under 4-5 shouldn't even have much screen time, and research shows that children show significant learning paired with significant relationships.  This article also tackles the fact that although students are on the computer a ton, they don't necessarily know how to research and actively learn from it yet.  My job is secure...thanks to children being children.

Here are the incredible things I've been pinning:

A collection of general school ideas.

Links for tools, ideas, tricks, information and resources to help you teach.

In case you want it all and you want it delivered.  Here it is.

A weekly infographic to get you thinking.

I l-o-v-e this week's infographic!  I think I'm going to use it as a springboard for my Lucy Calkin's Units of Study idea (GLAD poster... so many strategies all wrapped up into one lesson!).  More on that later, maybe.  Check it out!

Where Do Ideas Come From? Infographic

Happy Weekend! 
Go play...or if you're like me...go plan for next week because right now you're on a day-by-day planning schedule and are just trying to get ahead!


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