
Friday, April 5, 2013

TGIF + April Currently

Hey y'all!  I spent the week at the NCEA national conference in Houston, Texas and just returned late last night.   I had a nice little blog post all set up earlier this week, but my tablet won't publish it so I'm not sure what happened there.  Since I didn't take my laptop on the trip, I ended up just not updating!  Between company from Germany and Easter last week and Houston this week, I'm getting caught up today on everything at home.

Learned a bunch of fun information at the conference and can't wait to share a little in the next few weeks.  Some session topics I attended included:
- flipping classrooms
- iPad apps
- centers/workstations
- classroom management/minimal disruptions
- professional learning communities (PLCs)
- using manipulatives in for reading instruction

So since I don't quite have my act together yet, I went ahead and linked up with Farley's April Currently for today and I'll get back to you on some more interesting tidbits later.

Have a lovely Friday!  I hope the sun is shining in your 'hood!


  1. I'm your newest follower, and I can't wait to read about all that good stuff you learned at your conference. Using manipulatives in reading has me curious. Happy Friday!

    1. Hi Jana! I'm hoping to try a few things in my classroom and then update about what worked. Thanks for following me!

  2. I cannot wait to hear about what you learned in Houston...I am a Texas gal. We do use manipulatives in reading a TON. I am excited to see what more I can do.

    That is so true about your advice. I try and stay away from negative people or those who complain A LOT. They tend to drag me down too. =(

    I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to hop over and visit when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thanks for following me!! Once I get through catching up on school things I will try get a few things I learned out there. I will stop by your blog today!

  3. What an awesome blog title! I'm your newest follower- I found your blog through the linky party- this was my first one as I only started my blog on Wednesday.

    We've recently got a set of ipads in our classrooms (4 student and 1 teacher) so I'll be very interested in seeing some of the posts you do about what you've learned. I'm going to do a post soon about an incredible maths app we regularly use in our room.

    I'd also be very interested to see more about the flipped classroom idea- I discovered this on a course at the end of last year. The guy teaching us was a high school teacher though-
    I haven't seen it working in the lower years yet. I have applied some of the principles of it during reading rotations though and the results have been pretty amazing!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

    1. Thanks, Serena! I love the idea of flipping classrooms and am hoping I can set something up for next year- probably a summer project!
      Hopefully I'll get some ipads next year...still wishing. Thanks for following me- I'm following you back now!
