
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Currently.

Is it really May? With snow in the forecast and 16 more days of school? Time to link up with Farley's Currently

I tried to do this month's Currently on a different computer and didn't really know what I was doing. Grab your reading glasses, because it's kind of small.  I have files on too many different computers and need to just take the time to get them all together so that I can actually find the files I want when I want them. Wow. That sounds so ridiculous and probably belongs here.
May is also that time of year when everyone is ready for a break.  Kids start to get antsy.  Testing is over.  I think Kristin at A Teeny Tiny Teacher described it best in #4 here.   And it's supposed to rain and/or snow, so indoor recess is likely happening for the rest of the week.  Deep breath.  16 Days.


  1. 16 days to go! Lucky you! I'm right there with you on the needing more time in the day. Found you through Farley's linky. Have a great rest of the week!

    Primarily Speaking

  2. Oh how I feel you about the snow. We had inside recess today. It was a deep breathing kind of afternoon. Great bucket list...I'm a new follower!

    Craft of Teaching

  3. I'm so looking forward to this summer! It's not that I'm tired of the teaching or the kids. It's everything else. :)


  4. 16 days! I wish we had 16 days. We are around 30 still. :( My kids have Spring Fever BIG time. We have too many days of school left to be that antsy. Enjoy the days you have left.

    Ms Richards's Musings

  5. Oh my goodness...snow?!? I think I would loose my mind at this point in the year. Take a few deep breaths and before you know it those 16 days will be over! Hang in there!

    The Learning Lodge

  6. Ahhhhh peace and quiet. I need that all day everyday! Sending some peace your way!! I'm your newest follower, drop by if you'd like. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  7. Wow - snow? That's crazy!
    Only 16 days can do this!

    I'm definitely with you on the "needing more time in the day" - AMEN!

    Found you through the linky - Welcome to the blogging world! It's a wonderful adventure :)

    Joy in the Journey

  8. Wow-I am loving the stacks of books on your blog design. I found you on Currently and am amazed how many have the CRAZY cold weather on their Currently posts this month. At least we know we are not alone. Thanks for sharing with your newest follower, Heather
