
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Halfway to 2014

It's not even July yet, and already I'm the 200somethingth person to link up with Farley's Currently!  Teachers are on top of things!

Oh Mylanta....can you tell I'm in a super summer slump?  Is that an oxymoron?  I've had a tough six months- both professionally and personally.  Don't get me wrong, there's been a lot of good, too.  But,  I've finally had a few weeks off to become the real me again... and now I'm bored!  Eek!  Hopefully the second half of 2013 is kinder. 

So currently... 
Listening... to country music.  Music videos are a huge guilty pleasure of mine!  I love them!  

Loving... my new camera!  I decided I needed an actual camera- the iPhone just isn't cutting it.  I am the yearbook coordinator at school, so taking pictures is my life during the school year, and adding pictures to my blog is much more fun when the pictures aren't horrible!  I got the Panasonic GF5 and so far I love it.  It's mirrorless, so the body of the camera is so tiny- even with the lens.  I wasn't sure what kind of pictures I would get with a mirrorless camera (there's no viewfinder...) but the reviews were good and so far I'm in love.  I've just been playing with it...trying to remember everything I have learned about photography in the past. 

Thinking/Wanting...I need a serious project.  Something to focus this energy of mine.  I would go for a run or something, but my body hurts so bad from lifting/running/dancing all night in heels the past few days!  I'm half tempted to head over to school today and just start something.  Is that weird? get out of this slump.  Self explanatory.  Let the adventures begin!  In the next month I'm heading to Oklahoma (lake time!), Chicago (Guided Math train-the-trainer...anyone else??), Iowa (family & friends!) and Seattle (friends!!!), so I really should take advantage of these few more days I have all to myself.  The new school year will creep up FAST!

TipsTricksHints:  The extra mile is never crowded.  Seriously.  Go for it and don't even glance back. 


  1. I hope things pick up for you soon. Your upcoming trips sound fun. I hope you blog about the guided math one, sounds interesting to me!!!

    Check out the Monday Made It link tomorrow, maybe you could find a project there.

    Hodges Herald

  2. Monday Made It... that is new to me! I can completely understand the feeling of needing to DO something but also the feeling of needing to do nothing!

  3. Sounds like you have some fun trips planned. Those will recharge your batteries! Have a great time!
    P.S. I'm your newest follower!

  4. Yes, it's weird that you are tempted to head to school, but I bet there's a lot of bloggers out there that feel the same way. I know i do! :)
    Love your tip! So true.
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  5. Love your "Tips Tricks and Hints" advice. So inspiring! Especially when the classroom projects are starting to pile up ;)
    Cute blog! I am nominating you for a Liebster Award.

    New Follower! Hannah Burns
