
Monday, June 17, 2013

Lovely Monday...and a quick freebie

It's weird how busy you can be when you aren't working.  Not stress-busy, just fun-busy.  Maybe "active" is a better word than "busy".  I love summer break.  It is so refreshing. 

I spent the day helping my cousin with her golf event benefiting the {American Diabetes Association}.  When I say "help", I mean that I spent the day riding around on the beverage cart handing out free adult beverages to people golfing.  It was really hard work, but I stepped up.  

Then I thought I'd stop by school and print off a few things so that I wouldn't have to do it at home.  I gathered all my things up, grabbed my laptop and headed over.  You know how it is...with your arms full (because the abundance of teacher bags you have been gifted are in a closet somewhere, or folded up in the back of the car) and you're struggling to hold it all while fumbling for your keys and then try to catch the door and get through it before it locks you out again.  I made it all the way up the stairs and went to unlock the teachers lounge door....and it wouldn't unlock.  They changed our locks this past year and apparently our key doesn't work on that door.  Or I can't work the door (it's a strong possibility).  I've never actually had to unlock it before.  So I struggled for a bit and then left with all the unfinished work I showed up with.  Boo.

Even though I didn't get all that stuff finished, I actually have made and completed a lot of things lately.  I've made wedding invitations for my sister's wedding...pillow slipcovers for my guest bedroom...dinner.  I'm especially proud of that last one. 

For a few years now, I have been missing the "ten thousands" card for my place value bulletin board.  Instead of hand making one or typing one up, I just didn't put it up.  Don't worry, we found other ways to teach and learn our place value without my trusty bulletin board display, but I did find it rather annoying not to have it up.  I've searched high and low and that piece is officially lost.  I really didn't want to fork over another 12.99 or whatever it is just because I lost one piece.  So I figured that I'd just make my own so that in the future when I lose them (you know I will) I can just print off another one and be good to go.  That's why I put this bulletin board set together.  

It's in the laminator right now and getting ready to slice and dice.  It's up at my TpT store for {FREE} until midnight on Friday, so go grab it and leave me some feedback.

Link up with {4th Grade Frolics "Monday Made It"} and let's see what you've been busy working on! 


  1. Your picture made me smile! I work the beverage cart at a country club as my summer job :)

  2. Hi there, I love your blog, just found you from made it Monday. Aren't personal laminators the best?!? Love mine! Happy summer! I'm happy to be your newest follower!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
