
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Love Languages

So far, we've only had meetings at school.  Students start Tuesday {crunch time}.  Our new administration is really working on team building and with twelve new staff members it is pretty helpful.  Our first day back we did a school version of the "Amazing Race".  It was....amazing.  I got a little competitive.  Luckily I wore decent running shoes and not sassy sandals or heels like I normally would.  I was one of the answers- my name was put on a plaque over the summer for winning teacher of the year last year.  *blushing*  Ultimately our team came in third place.  Sorry, no pictures...they really need to give me a heads up if we are going to do something picture worthy!

A few days later we had a presentation on one of my favorite things.  Last year, we learned all about the 5 Love Languages.  I remember it distinctly because the presenter came over and gave me a hug in front of everyone to demonstrate the Physical Touch Love Language, and I am NOT a touchy-feely person!  Everyone got a big kick out of it.  This year we re-visited the Love Language conversation.  If you haven't heard about it, you should check it out.  You can look for the {book} or check out the {website}.

The concept is that every person gives and receives love differently.  In order to reach people and make them feel special, accepted, successful, etc. we need to tap into their love language.  Often times, we feel misunderstood or misunderstand others because we don't understand what they need from us.  This fits perfectly in the classroom.  Students have love languages- they show they care differently and they need us to build them up using their language.  It's like Blooms Taxonomy for feelings.

Here are the 5 Love Languages:
Words of Affirmation
Acts of Service
Receiving Gifts
Quality Time
Physical Touch

Some kids need a high five or hug.  You know those; they're easy to find.  The kids that crawl into your lap or want to hold your hand or rub their hands up and down your sweater sleeves because its so sooooft {shudder}.  Others need you to tell them they did a great job.  Some need you to come over and stand near them to feel successful.  Others love that little note you left on their desk or feed off of the mints you hand out before a big test.  As teachers, we try to hit all of these love languages all the time in order to reach every student.  Because, you know, that is part of our job that they trained us for in college.  Kind of.  Not at all.

Your receiving love language can be different than your giving love language.  Here's mine:
Receiving:  Quality Time
Giving: Acts of Service

I would argue that these are the hardest two to measure, and therefore I am often misunderstood.  I scored a zero in Physical Touch.  A zero.  I would love to hang out with you, but please don't put your arm around me.  I made my family take it to see if we fit where I thought we would.  We did.  My sister and I are complete opposites.  It makes so much sense now...

You can take the quiz {here}.
You can hand out a {printable quiz for children}

I do find that it changes the way I approach some students in the classroom, and also makes me more aware of how to reach every student.  I also think it's excellent information for parents at conferences.

And finally.....I know, I know.... You already know this sale is going on!  So jump over to TpT and get whatever it is your little heart desires so that you can start copying, laminating, and cutting!  {My store} is on sale along with many, many more!


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