
Sunday, November 3, 2013

A quick glance back in time to two weeks ago

It's November, which I think means it's officially fall.  The leaves outside are starting to become gorgeous and the weather is too chilly for my liking.  Also, school finally turned on the heat in our rooms on November 1st, after refusing to do so even though my room has been 56 degrees for over a week.  I was teaching in a coat and fingerless mittens and everyone upstairs (where it was toasty warm!) kept saying "oh, are you cold?".  YES!  Walk into my freezer classroom and check it out for yourselves!  But now we are all warm and comfy.  Thank you, November.
Click above to visit {Farley's page} and link up for her November Currently! 

It's gorgeous out, good music playing, a long list of to-dos, lesson plans to finish, and wouldn't it be nice to have an assistant?  Not that I can't get it all done, it's just that I could get so much more done with some help.  Ah, well.

I have a busy week with my sister's wedding coming up, so I'll probably whip up my go-to fall treat to freeze for next Tuesday when I'm supposed to bring treats for the staff...

Pumpkin Butterscotch Muffins
It's been a super busy few weeks and I've had that constant feeling of being behind.  I've been teaching on my own for a few weeks now since Miss M's last day was mid-October.  It has been pure craziness since then with the school auction, grade cards due, meetings-meetings-meetings, the school 5k, conferences this week, and just generally getting used to having Miss B as the teacher all-day-long now!

I'm going to take you back in time to two weeks ago...

We had a party for Miss M on her last day...we really do miss her a lot right now- students and teacher included!  I love having my classroom back, but being able to pull kids and get other things done during the day was really great!  I was so lucky to have such a wonderful student teacher to work with. It was a great experience.

We got her a few gifts- just a couple of my favorite classroom things, cards from the kids, and a we made a little book about things she should do (and not do!) in her future classroom from my Student Teacher binder {on TpT here}.

I felt a bit like Oprah with my "few favorite things", except not quite as Oprah-esque because I'm a school teacher and cars aren't within my budget, even for just one person (that person  We got Miss M a {Music Wand} for getting students' attention, and a set of {SmartPals} with erasers from EAI Education.  My SmartPals are easily one of my favorite classroom purchases ever.


Miss M's last day was a Wednesday, then we had CPR and first aid training on that Thursday (no pictures, because no one wants to see that!), then Friday day-off but evening-on with the school auction.  The night was really great and hopefully we made a lot of money for the school!  Teachers each worked a shift, and my shift was running bid numbers during the live auction (so fun!) and then handing out sliders as a special treat later in the evening.  I love getting to run around and visit with parents and see everyone outside of the school day.

 I spent the weekend getting my grade cards together and ready to print on Monday and hand out by Friday.  It was a bit of disaster since we've always handed out grade cards at conferences, but conferences weren't for a few weeks (this coming week, actually) so it felt rushed.  Not to worry- it all came together!  I don't want you to lose sleep over it.  I didn't.  

That was all two weeks ago.  Never a dull moment with this job!  

Happy Teaching!  


  1. Yum! I want that muffin stat! You've been busy, girl!
    Happy I found you from Farley!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  2. I could use an assistant too!!! Wouldn't life be easier with one?


  3. That muffin looks yummy! I found you through Farley's Currently linky party, and now I'm your newest follower. Stop by when you get a chance!

    Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,
