
Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's January!?!

Late to the Currently party...again.  I'm already racing to catch up with 2014, so I'm going to go ahead and link up with {Farley} even though I'm behind the times...

Just a lazy Sunday morning... watching Bride Wars and staring down all the projects in my house that I need to get done today before we start up the second semester tomorrow.  

So long, 2013, I won't miss you a bit, and I'm giddy with excitement for everything 2014 has in store for me.  

I should wrap up my lesson plans and get things organized.  And grade some final papers before putting the finishing touches on grade cards.  

As usual, just one more day always sounds dreamy, but nothing gets done if it keeps getting pushed back!  Time to jump in!

I need to snow shoe up to school today, but with this fresh snow on the ground and below 0 wind chills (what's that, -10 you say?), it just doesn't sound all that exciting.  Hopefully the street gets plowed before dark.

This year's memory/tradition is that new traditions and memories are being made.  Lots has changed in the past year, so break this year was a little different for me.  Things are changing, and change can be bittersweet at times, but always seems to work out for the better in the end.  I'm looking forward to what this year has in store.  

I really do have a lot of school things to update about, but time is not on my side when it comes to getting all of that together at the moment.  I need my school schedule back!

Good luck with all of your kiddos over the next week.  I always have to remind myself how much reteaching it takes after a few weeks off of school.  

Head on over to {Oh Boy 4th Grade} and link up with Farley!  You can be fashionably late, like me! 

Happy Teaching!


  1. I am ALWAYS behind the times, so don't have lots of company! I'm so glad I found your blog through Farley. Have a great week!

    Shafer's Shenanigans 

  2. It's funny how a bit of vacation time can really get your schedule out of whack! I was completely lazy during my break and it quite a struggle to get back in the swing of things! Happy New Year! I am a new follower on Pinterest and Bloglovin!

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles
