
Friday, June 27, 2014

Finally Friday #9... Education News for your Summer Vacay

It's Finally Friday!!  If you're like me, then it's summer and all your days are running together and it's getting hard to remember what day of the week it is.  Vacation (+ moving across the country) has taken over my brain.

I just love it!  Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated, but seeing this makes me excited for September!

Video here:

The Atlantic
A study from Harvard University showing that although parents feel they are teaching their children the importance of caring and showing empathy, children feel that their parents value success and achievement more.  This doesn't surprise me...thoughts?  Do we do this as teachers as well??  What does your school build in to the curriculum to support character education?

CBS News
According to the National Council on Teacher Quality (I didn't know there was a council for that?), only 1 in 15 schools is preparing first year teachers for the classroom.  

I hate that we have to think like this, but this invention is interesting.

EdTech Magazine
Looking at the change in the role of the teacher, the way students interact with technology, and the traditional school day as we know it.  Change is coming!

Here are the incredible things I've been pinning:

A collection of general school ideas.

Links for tools, ideas, tricks, information and resources to help you teach.

In case you want it all and you want it delivered.  Here it is.

A weekly infographic to get you thinking.

Teachers, what's in and what's out for professional learning in YOUR district?
Read more about how to make professional learning meaningful


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