
Sunday, August 31, 2014

September = School Starts!

I feel like everybody else has started school except for me!  I'm so left out!

I meet my students Tuesday and first official day is Wednesday!  Yippee!  Until then, I'm soaking up every last minute of this glorious summer.  That means I'm binge watching movies, meeting up with friends, and probably school lunch grocery shopping.

The three trips makes me sad because now I want to go travel but I can't because school is starting.  I guess I should make some money before I go traveling again.  Ireland is on the bucket list, so hopefully sometime I'll get over there.  Since moving to Washington, I think I've heard the state of Alaska mentioned more than every other time in my life combined, so now I'm intrigued.  And closer.  So maybe I'll get up there someday.  I caught a quick glimpse of Coeur D'Alene  I drove through Idaho and I'm dying to go back and spend time there... that one may be the only real possibility in the next few years.  

Don't forget to link up with Farley...

Until then...back in the classroom!



  1. I have a friend who lives in Alaska and she LOVES it. Hope you have a great first week!
    The Disneyfied Teacher

  2. Alaska does seem like it could be a nice trip. A friend of mine took an Alaskan cruise for her senior trip and enjoyed it a lot. Wishing you the best on your return to school. I've been in since August 7 with kids since August 13!

    Ms. Julie aka Southern Teacher
    Southern Teacher WBT

  3. Alaska is on my bucket list too. My friends were stationed there and would send me the most amazing photos. I won't be going anywhere anytime soon either. #teacherproblems I envy teachers who get to start after Labor Day. It definitely makes better sense to start then. Hope you enjoy Meet the Teacher and your first day back.

    Sandy @ Elementary Expedition
