
Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1st...

...that means the countdown to winter break has begun.  This post is a bit of a hodgepodge because there's a lot of catching up to do.

I took a quick, very real vacation, and now I'm back and feeling refreshed.  I went north to spend my American Thanksgiving in Canada with friends.  I sat snuggled in the snow capped mountains for a few days and told myself not to think about school and upcoming conferences this week and the fact that there are only two weeks after that before we are on break and what are we going to do those two weeks?!?!  I mostly succeeded.  Mostly.  I read by the fire, shopped with hot cocoa in hand, and just generally enjoyed the scenery.  So even if I did think about school, they were fleeting thoughts and things I am tackling upon my return.

How can you not love that view??  I've officially welcomed in the holiday season, and then I saw this month's Currently and it is so festive!

If you haven't hopped on the Pentatonix train, you should do it.  Their Mary, Did You Know? video has gone viral lately, but I quite enjoy all their songs.  Here it is...because I love it so much.  My fourth graders used to sing it at our Christmas concert every year, but since I switched schools that isn't the case this year.

Conferences are this week, so I'm organizing and prepping my students to chat with their parents about our year so far.  Busy bee.  I am teaching Washington history this year, and I don't know any of it so I'm learning right along with the kids.  While there are some perks to it, it generally makes me feel unorganized and a bit frazzled so I'll be happy to have this year under my belt.

Lunch Tip!  Dude!  Freeze your sandwiches!  I'm on a sandwich kick, and I can buy meat/cheese/bread (Costco + pretzel buns are my go-to).  When I get home I make up all the buns/sandwiches and pop five per bag into the freezer.  I have three weeks worth of sandwiches in the freezer right now.  It's such a time saver during the week!

And in case you're living under a blog reading rock, the TpT cyber Monday/Tuesday sale is going on right now.  Although Black Friday has turned in to a bit of cyber shopping as well, since you can get most of the deals from your cozy location at home by the fire.  (Luckily, because I was in Canada!).  My store is marked down, other stores are marked down, and if you're a super organized teacher, you are probably out scoping it all out to see what you can stock up on for before winter break....and (dare I even mention) after winter break.  I can't think that far ahead.  It's mentally impossible.



  1. What a beautiful view you had! That picture looks like the ideal Christmas. I also love that new version of Mary Did You Know. It was already one of my favorites and now I love it all over again!
    Merry Christmas!
    Mrs. H's Resource Room

  2. Thanks for sharing your amazing Christmas view, it's gorgeous! I love your sandwich tip - pretzel buns are one of my all-time favorite things :). I hope you have a couple of great sale days!

  3. Wow! Great picture. I've never had a pretzel bun, but I do make a sandwich every morning. So, I think I'll try your tip. And, I totally agree, Pentatonix are fabulous. Merry Christmas!
