
Monday, January 19, 2015

MLK Day | Your Day Off Work

It's MLK Day, and teachers are off of school.  Happy No School Day!  I'm busy being school-productive, so it's more like working from home.  I love working from home.

I'm sure you have done or are going to do a bunch of school activities to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.   I love that this day gives me the opportunity to revisit peace and student gifts/talents, as well as the life of MLK.  About half way through the year is when a few more friend issues begin to pop up, am-I-right?  At least, that's how I feel in 4th grade.  It's nice to be able to revisit the strength that we have together as a class.

This week, our school is beginning a kindness kick with the Be Kind Like Josh Foundation.  The teachers have shirts and bracelets to hand out when a student is caught being "genuinely kind".  I think it will tie in great with out MLK discussions as well.  Love when that happens!


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