
Friday, January 2, 2015

2 Days in...

Have you broken all your resolutions yet?

I had the most beautiful evening flight into Seattle this past week and now I'm getting settled in my after-winter-break routine, so I'm spending the day putting away groceries, unpacking my suitcase, and putting away the holiday decor.  

New year resolutions typically include healthy lifestyle and diet choices, but I'm feeling like cookies, so this afternoon may include some baking.  

My one word this year is "begin" {link up with your word over here!}, so I'm going forward with a "begin it" mindset.  I'm hoping to be better about communication with family, friends, and of course, my blog(s).  Keeping up with people and relationships is the goal.  Hopefully this year will bring some travel around the Pacific Northwest as well.

Off to clean and bake and enjoy these last two days of winter break!  Cheers!

Wishing you a happy & healthy 2015! 



  1. Happy New Year! So glad I found you through Farley's link up! I need to get back in the routine of blogging too! I need to unpack, put away decorations, and clean! I want to get it accomplished before winter break is over! Hope you enjoy the rest of your break!

    Bits of First Grade

  2. Happy New Year! Happy to have found you through Farley's Link up! I can't wait to put the christmas decor away and get settled as well! It is so much easier to get into a routine,especially with blogging, when everything else is cleaned and in place! Good luck with planning for next week!

