
Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's Student Activities

Back to school in the new year!  Our day was busy with reminders about routines, lesson and concept "refreshers", and battling mid-afternoon hunger.  Did you start back today, too?

Before we left for winter break, we completed our "one word" challenge, and the minute the kids walked out the door I hung them up in the hallway so that when I waltzed in with my coffee this morning it was already done.  That was a good choice.

Our class had the computer lab first thing this morning, so I was racking my brain for something productive to do during that time.  I opted for a computer time to practice creativity, so we walked by our wall display to remind ourselves of our word and then hit the lab to make a one word display card for our desks.

(Don't mind those few "soccer" words... some of us grasped the idea better than others, but who am I to judge student's personal goals?)

I loved how different they turned out!  I gave general directions and then let them have at it.  This evening I'm printing them out to attach to their desks tomorrow as a reminder for the rest of the school year.

I have the regular and {faith version} of the New Years "What's Your Word?" activity and writing prompt available on TpT.  The computer stuff was just done on a whim today.  It can be your whim, too, if you want it to be.

In the afternoon, we did a "friendly review" of our prime and composite numbers using this color-by-number page that I created last night.  I had a few "is this a prime number?" questions once they got started so I'm glad we took the time to look back at some older concepts.  

Grab a copy if you want it!  

If you started back today, I hope your first day back after break went smoothly.  If you haven't started back yet, then good luck when you do!  


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