
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hey, Valentine! | Classroom Valentine's Brunch

I love you all.  Did you get all the Fun Dip in the world yesterday?  I swear we could just hand each kid a pound of sugar and it would be exactly the same thing.  The kiddos showered me with Fun Dip, chocolate, and even some stuffed animals.  Such darlings!  

As I had mentioned in an earlier post, this year we did a Valentine's Brunch with our classes in the classroom.  I really wish I could claim this idea as my own, but I can't.  It's my lovely 4th grade team who has done this brunch in the past and I'm just hopping on board as the newbie.  I loved it!!!

I went out and got an extra package of waffles just in case, and grabbed my own toaster as I was flying out the door in the morning.  The waffles I could have done without (we had TONS- I think someone brought some in without signing up to bring them!), but my toaster ended up being the only one we had (one parent showed up with one, but it was after we were all finished!), so I was glad my teacher instincts kicked in on that one!

I contemplated picking up a cute plastic table cloth for our table, and found a cute one that was $5-7 (I can't remember) but I am just too cheap for that.  I will check back after today when everything is on sale and maybe it will be cheap enough for me to spend my hard earned teacher money on it.  In the end, I decided to just grab some red butcher paper and cover the table, and it worked out wonderfully....because I could just throw it away.  I didn't even have to clean up spilled syrup!

Anyway, I got our table all prepped.  One student brought me a sweet little rose plant, so we put that on our table, too.  We were festive.

I had run off a little reading skill packet onto pink paper (and we did an afternoon packet as well- thank you I {Heart} Recess!!) and put it on each students desk with a new pencil (duh, teacher gift).  I don't do packets/worksheets a whole lot, so this was almost a treat.  Almost.  Students got right to work on it when they came in the room, and it continued to give them something to do throughout our brunch.

I got straight to work toasting those waffles because I only had my one little toaster!  Two waffles at a time takes awhile!  But while I was toasting and calling students up to grab some brunch, I called other students to pass out valentines, and the rest were working and chatting at their desks.  It was actually really great...aside from the unbelievable amount of butter each student used on their waffles and the syrup top "falling off" at least twice (you can picture that, right?  "Miss B!  It just fell off!").  So gross.

Students went through their valentines and shared what they got- they were super cute getting all excited about which valentines received.  I was a little nervous about getting them to focus after all that sugar and morning excitement, but they handled it really well.  Happy teacher!

We are on mid-winter break now (anyone else have this random week off of school right now?!?!) so I have big plans to be pretty lazy.  Hopefully I'll finish a few TpT projects and keep up with you all on here!  I'll be hitting up every after-Valentine's-Day-sale in town.  Anyone else?  This is when I stock up on my cake and brownie mix for the pantry...

And now Valentine's Day is on a Saturday so we can all unwind and feel the love with our family and friends!  Enjoy!

Happy Valentine's Day!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of a Valentine brunch! So sweet! ;) We also have next week off, and I'm desperately in need of it! Hope you have a great week to relax and finish your projects.
    One Lucky Teacher
