Saturday, May 23, 2015

News in a Nutshell #18

News here every Friday-Saturday...

Happy Saturday!  I'm just attempting to hold my own little school world together, let alone get a blog post up!  I went to the gym after school yesterday to struggle through an hour Zumba class (different instructor + I was exhausted), just to come home and find myself slowing losing all forms of energy and finally asleep on the sofa at 8:30.  Woke up at move to the sleep until 8:30am.  SO.  That's how my end of the school year is going!

On to some news...

{Quality of Worklife Survey}
American Federation of Teachers/Badass Teachers Association
Um, so I read this entire thing and thought "wow either I am a super low stress person, just really love my job, or most of these people just hate theirs".
I with a grain of salt?  Do you agree?  Disagree?  Are you always stressed?  Totally burnt out?  Love your job like no other?  WHAT ARE YOU FEELING?

{Pearson loses Texas contract for standardized exams}
The Dallas Morning News

{Student reports of bullying fell in 2013}
Wall Street Journal

{Study: Far fewer new teachers are leaving the profession than previously thought}
Washington Post

Links for tools, ideas, tricks, information and resources to help you teach.

 In case you want it all and you want it delivered.  Here it is.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Teacher Retirement + Teachers Moving On {Gifts from the Class}

Happy SUNDAY!  I am prepping for a super fun week and getting those plans in order.

Popping in REALLY FAST because the end of the year can be super busy and exciting and maybe stressful, and on top of that, we usually have some special teachers in our buildings who are moving on to other schools or moving on UP to retirement.  Yay for them!

So all I'm saying is that usually we are scrambling to pull some kind of class gift together (or is that just me?), and for that reason, I created retirement booklets and a going away booklet (for kids or teachers!) and just today I bundled them and they are up and ready in the RTL store.

Each sold separately.  All sold together.  Whatever you want.  ...and JUST IN TIME for that fancy sale happening in a few days!  

720 × 90

That's all.  Back to my sunny day of planning and prepping.  


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Busy Bee!

OhMyGoodness, pardon me while I dust a few cobwebs off the corners of my blog here.

Life has been semi-busy (I mean, I've probably spent some time watching The Voice when I could have been blogging, but instead I chose to mono-task) - all in really wonderful and lovely ways.  My friend had a baby that I've been busy snuggling.  I fully committed to beginning my National Board Certification and have been trying to collect everything I need to get started...and now I have to do all that pesky reading so that I know what the heck I'm doing!  I'm excited {and nervous!} to begin!  I've had a few meetings during (sub plans!) and after school for our district math adoption committee.  I've had a couple new students in our class and we've been working hard to make their transition a smooth one.  Plus a few other things sprinkled here and there and suddenly April went **poof**!  Life has been happening over here, my friends!

Thank goodness Farley is keeping me in line over here.  I'm planted on my sofa watching these horses begin their trot in the mud for the Derby.

This sunshine + keeping busy = one happy teacher.  My school year in the PNW is about a month longer than it was in the Midwest, so while all my darling friends are winding down their year, I'm still over here with two months to go.  But I promise you, the kids are antsy and ready for summer.  They must think they are on the Midwest schedule as well!  

But looking ahead a few months... I have lovely summer coming up and I'm excited to be able to share my new city with a few friends who are making the trip out here.  Hopefully that will lead us on some adventures.  I'm excited to have some people to be a tourist with!  

I'll get back to my teacher-y posts in MAY, so you're welcome to pop back and visit from time to time... but for now, hop on over to Oh Boy 3rd Grade and see what other teacher bloggers are up to