Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Happy July!!!  I'm soaking up every second of this summer break, but like a good little teacher, I'm also checking in often and doing a little summer prep for my new 3rd graders in August!

But until I'm ready to update you on all THAT work... here's how I'm welcoming in this sunny month.

I'm addicted to UnReal, and if you haven't watched it, you will not watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette the same again!!  I mean... if you're into that kind of television...

I'm loving this summer break, the fact that I can lay low and get things done whenever I want (bathroom breaks, anyone??).  I WANT some ink in my printer so that I can get some color on my papers (I have an exciting new idea for my B2S bulletin board!!), but I'm NEEDING to get outdoors and take in some nature.  I see some hikes in my future.

If you're looking for a positive spin on things, then I'm your girl.  I love to cheese it up in the hallways.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

What keeps you inspired?

Happy Saturday!!!  I've caught summer fever in many different ways.  It always takes me about a week to figure out that I'm on summer break.  Anyone else have that problem (blessing?)?  I used to try to stay home because then I wouldn't spend money, but now that I'm much more of an online shopper, it's a double edge sword.

I hopped on the bandwagon for TpT sellers 4 week challenge and it has really made me think about why I started this entire journey in the first place.  So here's a little insight into the world that is Real Teachers Learn.

I had no intention of starting a business (still don't know if I do...it's really a hobby for me!) ... I started my blog and TpT a few years ago and I distinctly remember telling my teaching partner (who was basically the push behind me starting this!) "If I make a quarter off of something I already made for my classroom, then I guess that's cool!".  A lot has happened since then.  Once I got into it, I realized I loved the creative process and also had no idea what I was doing.  I couldn't just put my stuff up on TpT.  A lot more goes into it.  So Google and I became really good friends.  I have learned a ton, and I actually really enjoy the challenge and learning that I'm doing.  That's why I stick to designing my own blog (it looks homemade because it is homemade!) and figuring it all out on my own and I am really loving it.

So when the first TpT challenge came to update a product, I knew I really did want to tackle a few products in my store for a number of reasons.  It was already on my list of summer projects.  So this put a little jump start on it and now I'm in the midst of just completely recreating some things because I loved my idea but know it could be better.  Always room for growth!  So you might notice a few things changed...all the same components are there, just a few look a tad bit different.  Hopefully better.  *wink*

Then the next challenge came out and asked us to share our dreams and goals for our store.   I had to think about what I really want out of this.  And I think I came up with my real motivation for keeping up with my blog and store.  I think the true base of why I do any of this is to share ideas.  I don't want to just sell things.  I do believe that as teachers we work better together, and that we can continue to inspire, share, and sometimes be that little extra push to raise the bar for each other when we want to give up.  All of us are at different points in our lives, so parts of this job are easier/harder depending on where life is meeting you right now.  The reason I do this is to keep myself inspired and to share ideas (and gather ideas!) with other teachers.  If nothing else, this entire process has taught me how creative other teachers are and has helped me to learn about teachers and the education career across the nation and *gasp* across the world.  I didn't know what I was getting in to, but I am happy that I am here.  I continue to love what I do.

A professor in college once said to our class "Teaching can be very lonely.".  At the time, that may have been true- in your classroom all day with your kiddos.  But I don't feel alone in my career at all.  So, thank you!


Friday, June 26, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Officially Summer | Lots of Changes!

I am finally officially on summer break.  Yippee!  I cannot believe my first year teaching in Washington state is complete!  This has been a crazy adventure.  I'm loving it.  Admittedly, this year I haven't blogged a bunch or even been motivated to hop on the computer and write about what I have been working on.  I've felt a bit uninspired this past year.  That's not to say my move has left me without creativity or that my new (amazing) teaching position isn't interesting and inspiring and fantastic.  It's just that I've been focused more on figuring things out, finding where things are, getting to know my coworkers, and just generally fitting in and finding myself in this new place.  It was important to me to get settled and unfortunately, blogging just wasn't always on the "top priority page".  Now with a full teaching year under my belt, I'm feeling more like "me" and feeling a bit more inspired, relaxed, and ready to get back at it!

But that doesn't mean that there aren't any BIG changes in store for next year!  After 9 lovely years in 4th grade, I'm making a big move (well, big move for me!).... 
to 3rd Grade!

I'm super excited to take on a new challenge, but those little 3rd graders scare me just a bit right now!  I mean, they come in as 2ND GRADERS!  I checked in all my 4th grade materials and checked out the 3rd grade materials and now they are in a nice stack in my living room waiting to be sifted through.  I was a bit shocked at first about the move (even though I offered and agreed to it!) because this is a bittersweet move for me.  I've loved my 9-10 year olds!  But I think I'm ready to shake things up a tiny bit and jump in to some different curriculum.  Yay!  Ideas for bloggers to follow (or Instagrammers, Twitterers, or anything else) are welcome!  

I'm also beginning my National Boards next year... 

Hopefully I can knock out a few components this next year and get this sucker accomplished!  Next year will be a lot of work!  Any tips for studying for the Component 1 test are appreciated...eek!

So I suppose after taking a year to get settled, I was ready to jump back in and tackle some projects.  I also gave my blog a little face lift- how many times is too many times to do that?  This is the second time in a year, but I think this one will "stick".  I've loving it.  A few things might start looking a bit different, but everything is still there and in it's place!  

If you're on your summer break now, I hope you're enjoying it and relaxing!