Monday, December 14, 2015

I've almost made it to WINTER BREAK

Oh, hello!  I know it may seem as if I had fallen off the face of the planet, and I suppose in blog world I kind of have... I haven't taken pictures.  I haven't blogged in...awhile.  I haven't even attempted to create a blog post (if we're being honest here).

But enough of what I HAVEN'T done.  Here's what I HAVE done...

I piloted three math curriculums for my district in a 9 week period and wrote detailed reflections on each.

Survived conferences.

I taught my 4-6 week writing units for National Boards.

Then I wrote my first draft of 12ish pages of details/reflection based on my students writing samples.

Then I ate all the Christmas treats I made for other people all by myself.

I started lifting at the gym (two days count, right?).

I set up a (faux) tree and outside lights.  Then all my outside lights burned out 3 days later.  I bought new ones that are sitting on my kitchen table.

I went on adventures.

Example of one of my adventures.
There you have it.  This semester in a nutshell.  It's been a bit crazy and SUPER busy, but I assure you, the RTL blog is one of my new years resolutions and I'll be working on it!  

Even though it's December 14th, I'm still linking up with Farley...

I am ready for break!  READY!  I'm already planning the activities I'll be working on during my holiday flights (library books, some TpTing, and polishing that National Board draft...holler at me in the airport!).  

Our third grade team is working on a few fun things to send home for students to work on over break if they have some time on their hands.  One is a hot chocolate reading challenge, and the other is this SUPER FUN Snowball STEM challenge from Teacher's Clubhouse.  Check it out and download it since it's FREE!  My kiddos are going to love it!  

Happy Everything!  I'll probably pop back on here with a glass of wine (and so should you!) after this wild and crazy week of school!!