I hopped on the bandwagon for TpT sellers 4 week challenge and it has really made me think about why I started this entire journey in the first place. So here's a little insight into the world that is Real Teachers Learn.
I had no intention of starting a business (still don't know if I do...it's really a hobby for me!) ... I started my blog and TpT a few years ago and I distinctly remember telling my teaching partner (who was basically the push behind me starting this!) "If I make a quarter off of something I already made for my classroom, then I guess that's cool!". A lot has happened since then. Once I got into it, I realized I loved the creative process and also had no idea what I was doing. I couldn't just put my stuff up on TpT. A lot more goes into it. So Google and I became really good friends. I have learned a ton, and I actually really enjoy the challenge and learning that I'm doing. That's why I stick to designing my own blog (it looks homemade because it is homemade!) and figuring it all out on my own and I am really loving it.

Then the next challenge came out and asked us to share our dreams and goals for our store. I had to think about what I really want out of this. And I think I came up with my real motivation for keeping up with my blog and store. I think the true base of why I do any of this is to share ideas. I don't want to just sell things. I do believe that as teachers we work better together, and that we can continue to inspire, share, and sometimes be that little extra push to raise the bar for each other when we want to give up. All of us are at different points in our lives, so parts of this job are easier/harder depending on where life is meeting you right now. The reason I do this is to keep myself inspired and to share ideas (and gather ideas!) with other teachers. If nothing else, this entire process has taught me how creative other teachers are and has helped me to learn about teachers and the education career across the nation and *gasp* across the world. I didn't know what I was getting in to, but I am happy that I am here. I continue to love what I do.
A professor in college once said to our class "Teaching can be very lonely.". At the time, that may have been true- in your classroom all day with your kiddos. But I don't feel alone in my career at all. So, thank you!
Collaboration is a huge part of why i blog and read blogs. I teach in a rural school with generally 1 teacher per grade level or subject. It can be very lonely and burdensome. Blogging really feeds my need to collaborate!
ReplyDeleteI love that you made your own blog!! It looks great. I guess I am now adding "update blog" to my to do list!